Baby Bump…Week 33

I finally returned home to New Jersey and Morrad couldn’t stop looking at me. He was trying to hide it, but I knew he was looking at my “pregnant” face. I have gained 20 pounds so far and it all hasn’t gone to my belly! And some of it has filled out my face. I’m not sure about that whole glow thing because I just feel big! Morrad was very cute about it though and he constantly reminds me about how proud he is that I am carrying his baby boy.

Baby Bump…Week 33

Little Baby Fadel

On the Monday after I got back, we scheduled three doctors appointments and Morrad took the day off. New Jersey doesn’t really offer a simple way to go to the doctor without waiting forever to be seen, so Morrad is forced to take a day off. We started at his appointment for his leg/hip. The appointment took 1.5 hours and we didn’t receive a diagnosis – again! He had his first physical therapy appointment yesterday, so hopefully he starts to notice a change within the next few months.

Little Baby Fadel

Our second appointment was at my doctor for our 33 week growth scan. Like I said in earlier posts, he is sitting very low, which is making my stomach smaller than normal. My doctor wanted me to get a sonogram and make sure the fluids and his size were still normal though. Since we rushed from one appointment to another, we didn’t have time to eat, and I was hungry! I walked up to the second floor while Morrad went to the cafe to get a snack for us. He came back with the BEST snack ever. For not telling him what I was hungry for, he did a good job. He bought a  huge thing of cubed cheese/crackers, a cranberry/orange muffin, and a lemonade iced tea. We both were going back and forth between the salty and sweet and then I reminded him that he is definitely pregnant too! We got into our room and couldn’t wait to see the little guy again. It is amazing how they can get a 3D image that is so lifelike. Once again, Morrad’s eyes are glued to the monitor as she was finding all of his body parts and marking the sizes. She points out his testicles and Morrad makes her print out a picture of them! When she put up the 3D image, we both gasped. It was such a good feeling to finally see what he might look like. Our sonogram technician looks at me and says, “Sorry hun, but he looks like his Daddy!” And at first, yes I would agree because of the strong nose and mouth, but after we’ve both studied the picture for a few days, we both agree that he has Morrad’s nose and mouth, but my cheeks, eyes, and forehead. Who knows if that will actual be what comes out, but it’s fun for us to stare and think about his little face! I had a dream last night about a little boy and he had blonde hair, so who knows!

What we do know is that the name we chose fits him well so far….

Our third appointment that day was my maternity photo shoot. I wanted it to have a natural, casual feeling. And I was also adamant about not having my bare belly showing in every picture. I will get the proofs tomorrow and can’t wait to share with you all. Morrad’s in a few too 🙂

Maternity Photo Shoot

One response to “Baby Bump…Week 33

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words: today 6/28/2012, Alina was waking up from a late afternoon nap, she looked up at me with my iPad opened to the littlebabyfadel site, she said ” that’s Carmen’s baby”!! I know Alina is as smart as a whip but she sure amazed me that she knows the sonogram photo is a baby and it’s Carmen and Morrad’s baby. Serena and Tammer have been preparing her for a cousin(“baby in Jersey”) and she is a wiz on website surfing and games. I can’t wait to see Alina hold that little guy. I bet these little first cousins will be very close to each other, just like Carmen is to Cansas and Morrad is to Maureen Fay. Yes Christmas time is going to be a blast for years to come!

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